A licensed medical doctor in the state of Virginia. Medical
training in New York and Connecticut. Self taught artist. Grow up on a flower nursery
and fruit farm. Through out the school years,
all the way through the medical school, I worked in my father flower
shop, summers, week-ends and a lot of time evenings during the
week. I literally lived a good portion of my life in between planted
and cut flowers. I have made thousands of flower arrangement of
every kind, which I remember very vividly. I remember the trips
to the country side to collect piles and piles of every kind of
wild flowers. In some trips, I used to nap in the flower fields
surrounded by the majestic heavenly colored landscape which inspired
many sceneries in my paintings. For somebody who handled flowers
peddle by peddle, leaf by leaf, spike by spike, stem by stem, painting
them was not difficult. Flower arrangement is art, Medicine is
art, painting is art, cooking which I do some of, is also art.
Looks like I have an art gene in me.
Living in Northern Virginia for long time, gave me the chance to
visit many many exhibits in the National Gallery of Art and in
museums and galleries in washington D. C.- U.S.A., which is a very short drive from where I live and that enhanced and enriched my artistic
visual ability, also gave me access to the best art books.
On facebook: http://www.facebook.com/farris.e.nobel
on linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/farrisnobel
on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ |